4 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Your First Spin Class
the do’s and don’ts of cycling for beginners
Category: Lifestyle
Read Time: 3 minutes
I went to my first cycling class and it was lit lit lit.
Mainly because for once I wasn't dreading going to the gym. I'm really trying to start these habits early so by the time I'm 40, I finally look 20.
For any of my post-grad babes that are looking to stay in shape and build good habits but have never been cycling (or to a spin class) before, don't worry. I got you.
Here's a rundown of the dos and don'ts of cycling. By no means am I an expert. In fact, this is my 2nd spin class of my entire life (I'm sure this just wiped away any ounce of credibility that I had) but I'm a fast learner and want to share with you the little knowledge I've learned so you're not afraid to jump into something new.
Also my friend is obsessed with spin classes and I'm making her read this before I publish it.
4 Things You Need to Know Before Taking Your First Spin Class - the Do's and Don'ts of Cycling
Don't: Assume all cycling classes are the same.
There are so many different types and styles of cycling classes that are held in different places.
There are themed cycling classes such as Beyonce Theme, there are cycling classes that use weights therefore giving you a full-body workout, there are cycling classes that focus more on uphill climbing and resistance, and there are cycling classes that focus more on movement on the bike.
There are also cycling classes that can be held in a normal gym and actually cycling studios that are dedicated to spin classes only.
I've been to both classes inside a gym and a studio. Personally, I don't have a preference.
But what I can say is that the atmosphere at the studio was way more energetic. The bikes were new, and we got cool spin shoes that locked into them. The room was dark and cool and there were these awesome neon lights at the front of the room that gave it a cool glow. The instructor also played some really good music and really made sure that we were pumped up.
On the other hand, the cycling class I attended at a local gym was a strong 6 out of 10. No cool lights or fancy bikes but the instructor was pretty energetic and played so bomb afrobeats. So that's a win win.
Either way, you can't go wrong!
Do: Get there early.
This is a must.
Nobody wants to be the one straggling in late trying to clip in, while everyone is already on their bikes warming up. It will throw your energy off and then you'll have to catch up and be irritated that you even came in the first place.
When I got to my most recent spin class early and there was a line of people waiting to get in because everyone is so excited. Be apart of that energy.
Don't: Shortchange yourself.
Listen, we're human.
We all know what we're capable of and we're all guilty of selling ourselves short when it comes to exercise.
Why I like spin so much is that your heart is getting an insane amount of cardio without all of that huffing and puffing and wheezing that comes with you actually running.
Yes, your thighs will burn, and your legs will hurt, and you're tired of sitting on the bike and springing back up to the beat of the (now obnoxious) techno music blasting off the speaker. But you and I both know you still have a little in there to push. So push it.
Because pain is temporary but those endorphines that will be released as soon as your workout is done and you realized you gave it your all, will carry you home.
Do: Have fun!
I agree, that is the cheesiest thing I could ever say but I mean it.
You can still work hard and have some fun, they are not mutually exclusive. Don't take yourself too seriously. If you're on a bike in the first place, you already conquered half of the battle: UH HELLO, YOU'RE AT THE GYM!
At one point I was getting super discouraged because I realized that the cycling class was actually for a full hour and not 45 minutes like I thought and right when I was about to hop off my bike, the instructor played a Nigerian song!
I was so surprised I almost fell off my bike, and I immediately realized that it was okay to have fun. Working out doesn't have to be torture.
That's all for now loves. Thanks for reading.
Stay sweaty,
- Corporate Queendom
P.S. For more fun tips and tricks to cycling, check out my friend, Iman Bubblegum's blog post, "Cycling for Beginners". She will have you as an expert in no time (no seriously, she is obsessed with spinning and dragged me to my first class).
1 Corinthians 6: 19 - 20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.