The CQ

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I Took Myself On A Date and This Is What I Learned

I took myself on a date today, and it was absolutely wonderful and exactly what I needed.

Not like I don't normally have alone time, but for me having "alone time" and "taking yourself out" are completely different. When I have "alone time" it's mostly not by choice, it just kinda happens. Like I just happen to be alone, so I use that time to go on social media or whatever.

But when I take myself on dates, that is 100% intentional.

That's me telling myself, "Hey. You need some time by yourself to heal and do things that you like and enjoy the earth that God has created."

And so I did just that. I crawled out of my bed, took a hot shower, and headed to Chipotle first (leave me alone) and then a nearby outdoor mall with a small park after.

And the entire experience was wonderful. The sky was bright and beautiful, the air - light and breezy, and I spent majority of the time at the mall just people-watching.

I watched families have mini picnics, mom and dads play with their babies, and rowdy kids kick a soccer ball around. I watched small girls practice their cartwheels and play patty-cake while a live acoustic band set up to play. And I watched people go in and out of stores, laughing, talking, and simply enjoying the company of one another on a beautiful Sunday.

And then I noticed something else --- right before the greenery of the park began, etched right in the pavement said the words "To God Be the Glory.

And trust me, this all may seem so simple - but it was exactly what I needed.

Sometimes a self-date doesn't have to be anything extravagant. You don't need to dress up in a ball gown and take yourself to the 4 Seasons to prove that you're independent. Now if that's what you like, by all means, but sometimes it just about being still and really getting to know exactly who God created.

And in those moments by myself, I thought about who I am and my purpose on earth.  

My pastor earlier had said something that really stuck with me.

"It's important to live in the moment, but it's also important to live beyond it."

Have you ever thought about the legacy that will outlive you? Have you ever thought about how your simple acts and the way you live your life with God can literally impact thousands without you even realizing it?

Your ministry doesn't exist within the four walls of a church - it's in everything we do.

It's in our 9 to 5 jobs, it's in our side hustles, it's in our passions that we spend time doing, it's in what we study at school, and it's even in our relationships. As soon as we stop writing these things off because we think they don't compare to ministry within the church, then God can actually start using us through these mediums.

So many times I think to myself, "Mandu, why did you really create Corporate Queendom?" And of course my initial reason is to help people like me with the super uncomfortable and scary transition from college to adulting and their corporate careers (or wherever God is leading them).

But what if it's bigger than that?

What if people come to Corporate Queendom to find hope? To feel like they're not alone and to learn that no matter what season they are in their life - everything is working for the glory of God and He's got them.

Because through out all of the stories, advice, or lessons I share - that's been the consistent message.

I say all of this to emphasize that self-love, self-care, and taking yourself on your own dates are so important.

It allows you time to hear from God and help rediscover your purpose.

It allows you time to seek peace and strength and be built back up in an atmosphere you genuinely enjoy.

And lastly, it allows you to remember that you're here not only for you, but for something way bigger than you.

So as I let the sun soak into my skin, and I breathed in the breeze, I thought about each and every single soul on that turf and the purpose of their life. I also thought about you guys, and how I can't believe that I have so many readers that actually care about what's going on in my life.

And then I thought about me, and how I have no idea how God plans to use me, and how I may never be ready, but I trust that He is.

Until next time, 

- The Corporate Queen

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Psalms 46:5

God is within her, she will not fall.